Sunday, July 27, 2008

Classic July 27th

Floppy hats, this view and a Cubs win. Yay.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Saturday the 26th of July I almost stepped on this cutie.

Nothing like sidewalk chalk and Pixar's newest superhero Wall-E.
I really enjoyed that movie and cried at the sweet love story. E-Va.

Friday, July 25, 2008

No Sleep for Me

An after 4am bed time with an 8am wake up call do not make for a happy girl. Coffee coffee coffee. But all is not lost I was working on my recognition gig: shooting for Check out the "It Happened Last Night" (IHLN) section sometime around 3pm CST. Look for pictures like these ,below, of HELMET. Yep Helmet. See: Lex's Tape Cassette Collection circa 1992. Another evening where the gift of some kick-ass earplugs from my awesome husband saved the day. Although I did talk really loud this morning (sorry Jay).

Thursday, July 24, 2008

... or was it in May

I can't deny the internet of this misspelling. All you Berwyns and Cicero residents should be familiar with one.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Metal Monday

Sweet (sweet) Cobra. Just one of the bands featured at Metal Joe's Birthday Bonanza.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rock Show Pix #1

I cheated a little and didn't post my Friday picture cause I forgot to take one until 11:57 and was already in bed and the sleeps prevented me from doing more then taking bad cell phone pictures of my cats. My cheat is posting 14 new band photos for the Saturday "photo". Photos taken at the Pitchfork After Party Show at the Bottom Lounge, Chicago featuring The Duchess and Duke, A/V Murder, Cheap Time, Jay Reatard and King Khan and the Shrines. It was super fun and I have no experience writing show reviews so I'll let the pictures do the talking. But I will say that all the bands rocked the house killing the audience one after another leaving King Khan and The Shrines to dance merrily on our graves. And dance they did.

A/V Murder

Cheap Time

Jay Reatard

King Khan and the Shrines